Friday, September 4, 2015

Learning Routines

Today marks our eighth full day of kindergarten and gradually we have learned routines that we will build upon and rely on all year.  When practiced with intention in the beginning of the year, they become ingrained into the flow of our day, leaving more time to focus on academics and deep inquiry and concentration on learning.  

We start each day with what we call a "Breakfast Snack" to ensure all of us are have the fuel to jump start a long morning.  Kids are only asked to eat what they need, so if they have eaten a large breakfast before school, then maybe just a few snack bites will suffice.  Others, prefer eating a larger breakfast at school... both work and build community as kids chat and socialize, allowing time to fully transition from home to bus/car to school.  After kids finish eating they read a book from either their book bin or the classroom library until my play my harmonica as a signal to clean up.

We do recognize the importance of choice time, allowing kids to choose what they want to play with and explore.  In the beginning of the year we have several choice times morning and afternoon, gradually shortening the time and lengthening focused school work.

Academic Routines:  We practice foundational academic routines that again become a part of everyday work so we can build new skills.  For example, we practiced how to roll a dice right in front of our work spaces and reading the dot die configuration.

Whole Group Time: We are practicing listening and attending as members of a group of twnenty students.  This can be challenging as young children learn how to raise their hand and listen when other peers are the speaker.

Large Group Time: In the beginning of the year we often break into two large groups of ten for lessons.  Mrs. Campbell will teach and group, and I will teach a group.  This is referred to as a "Switch" group time on our schedule board.  A main part of our practice now is how to transition from one large group to another... how to clean up and move efficiently from one group space to another and get resettled for the next learning opportunity. 

Small Group Time: Working at a table with a group of 5 students in a small group allows kids to focus more closely on their work with less distractions.  Helping one another solve problems and follow multiple steps is also a focus right now of learning the routines of small group work.

Mindfulness: In the two photos on the bottom of the Piccolage above are one example of mindfulness work we do using technology.  Mindfulness practice helps settle our bodies as we use our brain to think through the steps.

Friday Whole School Meeting: We gather each Friday morning with the student body at PPS.  Each week there is a focus of the meeting.  For now the focus is on learning whole school routines such as playground rules or cafeteria routines.  In time classroom students will "present" at School Meeting, sharing their work or project they are focusing on in class.

Individual Practice: Working by oneself is an important skill, one that allows Mrs. Campbell and I to observe and get to know each child individually so we know how to support their learning.

Reading with Partners in Library: What fun snuggling up with a book and a group of friends during library!

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