Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Callirobics For Kids

We are continually finding ways to strengthen kids fine motor skills, especially for forming and writing letters with efficiency.  In our class we use a program called Callirobics For Kids for that purpose.  Founded by Liora Laufer, Callirobics is a program that consists of  repetitive handwriting exercises set to music with straight lines and curves.  The music helps to relax children and adds rhythm to what can be more tedious penmanship exercises.  We repeat these exercises for at least four days in between letter writing practice to build stamina and a flow for writing and improved eye-hand coordination.  

When your child brings home each exercise, have them repeat it at home... try with a dry erase marker, crayon or pencil and paper, making the exercise on their own without the aide of the worksheet.  Play some calming music...the program uses instrumental music only.  Just a few minutes a day will have dramatic effects on your child's hand strength and accurate flow of letter strokes. When your child has fluid writing movements, their ability to make letters quickly has a positive effect on their work production in Writer's Workshop.  A child who can form letters with flow and facility will concentrate more on the content of their writing, not on the struggle to form letters which interrupts their creativity.  After Thanksgiving we will move away from narrative writing and toward a new genre of writing.  Handwriting flow will help them to focus on that style of writing with more ease.   

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